As of May 2019, all motor boats and sailing yachts, which remain in or enter Greek territorial waters, regardless of flag, are subject to pay a fee known as TEPAI.
The recreational and daily tour cruise ships fee (TEPAI) is imposed on ships of a total length of more than 7m (7>), and are used either privately or professionally.

Our agency carries out all the necessary paperwork and payments for the fee. Feel free to contact us if you have any further enquiries.

All the content and generally the services of sivotatravel.gr are available to visitors for personal use only.
The reproduction and use are not allowed in any means or wedsite with or without any process and for commercial reasons,
without the authorized permission of sivotatravel.

SIVOTA TRAVEL, SIVOTA 46100 • IGOUMENITSA, GREECE. • Tel.: +30 26650 93439, +30 26650 93264, Fax.: 0030 26650 93355
e-mail: info@sivotatravel.gr, sivo-tra@otenet.gr